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פוסטר להצגה RADIO PLAY
kipod azahav prize icon
kipod azahav prize icon
kipod azahav prize icon


A brilliant balancing act of parody and homage, Radio Play is as creative and clever as it is hilarious, marked by outstanding performances. The sound design is immensely creative, with a strong visual and comic component, as well as impeccable timing and performance.

Midnight East

Radio Play

Winner of the “Kipod Hazahav” awards (Israeli fringe-theatre awards), in 3 of the following categories: show of the year, playwright of the year (Noa Beker), and actress of the year (Nadia Kucher).


The immortal story of the secret agent Patrick Kim and his astonishing deeds.

A stage-adapted radio play, subversive and entertaining, with objects, actors, sound and everything in between.

In the 60s, the book series “Patrick Kim” was born as the brainchild of the publisher Ori Shalgi, who hired dozens of Israeli ghostwriters to write it. Patrick Kim was an exceptional CIA secret agent, half-Korean and half-Irish, a Karate master, who operated during the Cold War between the USA and the USSR. Throughout the series, Patrick destroyed thousands of enemies and saved the world from countless threats of various peculiar origins. Patrick Kim, 2 meters high, is known for his impressive muscles and seductive hands.


“One of the most entertaining and successful fringe-shows in Israel today.”

Yair Ashkenazi, Haaretz


“Wonderful writing, fitting acting and hilarious and captivating scenarios, that all lead to the audience laughing non-stop throughout the show. Martha admits this is one of the best shows she has watched in the past year, and even in the past decade.”

“Martha Yodaat” Blog


“A brilliant balancing act of parody and homage, Radio Play is as creative and clever as it is hilarious, marked by outstanding performances. The sound design is immensely creative, with a strong visual and comic component, as well as impeccable timing and performance.“

Midnight East

יוצרים ושחקנים

שחקנים יוצרים: נעם רובינשטיין, נדיה קוצ'ר, נועה בקר ושרון גבאי

בימוי: שחר מרום

כתיבה: נועה בקר

מוסיקה וסאונד: שרון גבאי

עיצוב במה ותאורה: שחר מרום

עיצוב תלבושות: רונה פלוטק

הפקה: ז'ניה קפיצקי

תודות: הוצאת שלגי, אהוד גרף, אלי אשד

Radio Play הופיעה ברחבי העולם:

אוקטובר 2018
Pittsburgh Festival of the Firsts – ארה"ב

דצמבר 2018
Teatr Ślaski - פולין

ספטמבר 2019
Bergen Fringe Festival – נורווגיה


הכרטיסים אזלו



10 October 2024


יום חמישי


הכרטיסים אזלו



14 November 2024


יום חמישי


.אין כרגע מופעים קרובים

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